Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Relationship advice : Compromising my beliefs...what should I do?

My girlfriend and I have been dating for nearly six years. Our relationship has been filled with ups and downs, and now its time to really think about taking the relationship to the next level.

I love her more than anything but she has different religous beliefs than me. Personally, I'm not a very religous person, but I come from a family with Methodist beliefs, her family is Catholic.

My problem is that she wants me to convert to Cathololism in order to maintain and pursue the next level in our relationship. However, I'm torn because I'm afraid of hurting my family and I would be comprimising my beliefs.

What should I do? I need some advice...Relationship advice : Compromising my beliefs...what should I do?
You will never be happy if you convert just to please her. If she loved you she would love you the way you are without changing you. What if the relationship doesn't work and you are now of a different faith and those in the Methodist church will think you never took your religion seriously to have left it in the first place. What if you have children? Are you going to feel comfortable raising them 100% Catholic? It's better to leave her now than after there are children involved and you've compromised who you are.Relationship advice : Compromising my beliefs...what should I do?
tell her that if she wants to use religion as a crutch to get through life, thats her business and she shouldnt be trying to recruit you. tell her you dont need religion because you can think for yourself.

a REAL woman wouldnt want to change you; she'll like you for the guy you already are.

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