Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Relationship advice. please help.!!! :)?

Okay. Me and my boyfriend have been together for a year and 4 months. We've been engaged before, and now we've been pretty much living together since August, so I feel like we're not even dating anymore. Anyways, lately I've made my own friends, because mostly we'd just hang out with my boyfriends' friends, and I'm about to go to school, and I really would love a separate life away from my boyfriend. Last night, I was playing video games with my friend, and after flirting all night, we started holding hands. Eventually we kissed. Not make out, just like 4 total. I don't know what to do, because if I told my boyfriend he'd be crushed. But I can't help but feel like, my boyfriend and I rushed into things too fast and now we're totally different. I'm only 19, I have a LOT of life left to live, and I don't know what to do.

Help? Thoughts? They're all GREATLY appreciated.Relationship advice. please help.!!! :)?
Your life seemed to revolve around your boyfriend before and things sort of settled down between two since you moved in together.

It is fine that you decided to get your own friends outside of your relationship, it only meant that you wanted to have your own friends rather than your boyfriend's friends.

You have to be honest with your boyfriend, you two are living together and have a responsibility towards each other.

What does this kiss mean to you? Was it serious? How do you feel towards your boyfriend now?

These are the questions you have to ask yourself.

Find a way to tell him about the kiss, it would be hard, but I'm sure you care about your boyfriend and in order for your relationship with him to work, you have to be honest.

As for the kiss, that happened for a reason.

You probably feel comfortable with your boyfriend and kissing this friend probably was something different for you.

You have been with your boyfriend for a while and you mentioned being engaged before. So put all those things out on the table, ask yourself what it is you want, what you think is best for you.

All the best.Relationship advice. please help.!!! :)?
You probably need to move out and break up. He will get over it. This is life at age 19, there's no avoiding it!

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