Wednesday, August 18, 2010

RELATIONSHIP ADVICE? long but important?

okay. i need some advcie form an outsider with no involvement.

I have been best frienwds with a boy for like a year and a half, we are riddiculously close and we know have helped eahcother through a lot of stuff, his family love me and my family love him, and i've always secetly liked his brother.

i told him a couple of months back, and he told me he liked me too, so we decided to talk to Harry (my best friend) about it, and see if he'd be okay with us getting together.

We asked him and he said he was fine with it, and we got together and everything was really lovely.

then Harry staretd cuasing problems between us, and thier mum, who is RIDDICULOUSLY oveerprotective and controlling, stopped letting Scott (the brother) leave the house if she knew he was seeing me. She was rude about me, and on friday night said to Harry that she wouldnt be letting Scott and me's relationship work.

But despite that me and Scott really liekd eahcother and stuff was woprking out rly well ect, and I kept mine and his relationship totally seperate from mine and Harrys and it didnt effect Harry AT ALL, 110% was nothign to do with him or how i acted with him or the time i spent with him.

Then last night Harry called me because he'd had an arguement with Scott and told me I was inconsiderate, and that he was mad at mw foor dating Scott, and told me to dump Scott or he'd be miserable. He basically told me to chose, and I did. I called Scott and said I didnt think it was working out, i didnt mention Harry.

The reason I broke up with him was because Harry is my all time best frined and I dotn want him to be miserable, but now I'm miserable?

I think I should have told him when i askedfirst time that that was the end of his imput andf after that he couldnt get involved, but i didnt and now im in a bit of a mess, becuase i really like scott :/

and hary hasnt even called me since, and seems to think he is the matyr in the situation and everyone is hurting him. In his words ';he doesnt like things that are his belongign to anyoen else';.

What do you think I should do?

also, im 15, harry is 15 and scott is 17RELATIONSHIP ADVICE? long but important?
It sounds like Harry is jealous of your relationship with Scott. He may secretly like you or he may be jealous of all the time you and his brother spent together. IMO Harry is acting like an immature turd, he may have even told lies about you for his mother to turn on you like that. Harry is not acting like a true friend, maybe you should talk to him about his behavior.RELATIONSHIP ADVICE? long but important?
to me i think maybe the mum thought u and harry had a thing on n that u were dumping him for scott, did she really know u were just friends and more importantly is harry clear that u r just friends, i think its really out of order that harry cud make u choose what kind of friend does that to you, id pic scott n tell em all where to go. i know friends come b4 boyfriends but if ur friend is wanting u to b miserable then he obviously dont care how u feel.

good luck anyway!!!

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