Monday, August 23, 2010

Relationship advice needed.?

Last year my husband said he wanted to move from the city that we were living in to go and live in a remote place where his family and friends are. I stupidly agreed as I was bored with my job and thought we had nothing to lose. After moving here my husband has totally changed, he wont let me make friends with anyone, I very rarely leave the house, and when I do his friends will phone him to tell him where I am then he will phone me constantly when I鈥檓 out to check up on me, when I do go out (I only go to the local supermarket) he says that I have been up to something. He has also started pushing me around and tells me that if I make him angry then he will punch me. I hardly ever see my family and I have no one to talk to, I feel so alone. I can't get a job here as it's such a quiet place there are none (this is making me feel like I went to university for nothing). I have tried telling my husband how I feel and he just gets angry and shouts at me, what should I do? I鈥檓 wasting my life.Relationship advice needed.?
YOU are not alone.

There are lots of men that think this is normal. It isn't. I know you don't want to think that it will remain this way..but check for other women that post similar questions like you now (just search for questions that are simililar)...

You are being abused by a controlling man. It only gets worse. And even though I would say stay in a don't have a happy marriage situation. He doesn't want to change. And he may get meaner.

You may want to explain to him what has changed in a calm way. He will say: you deserve it, you are doing something wrong, that it is how it is...get use to it...or whatever. But it is your life.

You don't have a child. It can't get better than that. At least you aren't stuck with a child to raise with him.

I guess you may have an immigration issue. Can't tell on that...but honestly, freedom is worth only so much...and with time, no marriage is worth the pain.

Decide what you want...and go for it. YOU are 27. Now go live a life that you deserve.Relationship advice needed.?
Isolation, checking up on you and threatening violence are CLASSIC signs of abuse. It does not get better unless HE admits his problems and gets treatment/counseling. In the mean time get yourself to safety.

Call your family, and have them come and get you and your things and leave! If this is not possible, find the nearest women's advocacy/shelter and have them help get you out.

The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be. Love is not about fear and pain.

Run now! Run!
leave him and return to where you will be happy, he sounds a very selfish controlling man, and i believe you can do better, so give him an ultimatum and tell him your leaving if he does not want to come with you then thats up to him, why should you be unhappy somewhere, when he is not trying to make you happy. leave him.make a happy life for yourself, lifes too short. good luck
Get out! This is abusive behavior. See if you can find a Women's Center near you. They can provide immediate help. They can get you shelter, and a police escort to get your things. They will help you file a protective order for him to leave you alone. I would not tell him anything before, and go when you say you are going to the store. Be strong! You deserve better.
Well if he won't listen perhaps you should leave him...maybe he will listen when he sees how strongly you feel.

Anyway why are you staying with a man who threatens to hit you???.

Have you got a family to go back to ? then go...before things get worse !!!!!!

read your addition....You have nothing to to stay for things sound like they could get worse ...leave him !!!!
Leave. If he is threatening you with physical harm, and is using mental cruelty against you, having you followed, watched or basically makig your life miserable. Leave, before it is too late.
What keeps you from leaving? Find the next bus or train station and get out. Start over again elsewhere, get a divorce and move on. As long as you don't have children you can do as you please.
I feel very sorry for u.There are some organisations that can help u.But i dont have any numbers for them.They give u advice on your problem.Try googlining it. I'm sorry i dont have any other info
i know you love the guy but you are wasting your life try talking to him and if that does work. best of luck it has to be very hard sorry i couldn't be more help
if i was u i would tell him how u feel and if he still dosent change move out and go back 2 the city this might bring him 2 his sences if not then u need 2 do some thinking and u may even think about leaving him.
You and i are in a simillar situation... and i feel very hypocritical to give u any advice, as i should do something myself.

if u wanna chat email me x x x x
I'm so sorry about this i think u should leave him if he hits a shouts at u like he does just leave him he deserves to be Lonny
I really feel for you. That's a horrible situation to be in. But unless you change it then you will carry on feeling like this and your husband will continue to be a controlling bully. You need to think about what would happen if you separated and moved back to the city and be on your own for while. I know it will be hard but this is no life to live. Nobody deserves to be abused physically, mentally or emotionally.

There are numbers to call in the phone book under domestic violence. Phone them and they will give help you and support you, they are brilliant. I've been where you are now and I came out the other end a more stronger happier woman. You can do it, you deserve better. xx
Well, I think that with all of his suspicion it is your turn to see what he is up too.I think that it is the accuser that is really in the wrong in this situation.

You need to start planning an escape. start stashing money and get bags ready to go. You sound very scared and you have stated that he threatens with physical violence. Figure out where you are going to go. Hopefully you don't have children. If you have no where, than you need to get the number to a local womans shelter for abused woman. They will help you get on your feet. than you can disappear into the night.
He sounds to me like he is cheating on you. When someone is acting like that, they are usually begin thinking that the other is doing something when they are. Leave him. The last sentence is IM WASTING MY LIFE. You do not sound happy anymore. When is the last time that you truly felt happy? When is the last time you woke with a smile on your face? When, or if, you tell your husband you love him, do you feel love or do you just want to kick him in the balls? If he even lays a hand on you, call the police. I do not know how small a town you live in, but you may want to make an extra set of keys to leave somewhere he cannot find them. My mom is in a small town and they do not have a 911 service or a police station in town, so she made spare keys and hid them.

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