i've been dating a guy that used to just be a good friend. we went through alot with people we liked that didnt like us back etc. we always hungout and helped one another. we go to the same college. we decided to just be hookup buddies but then he asked me out. he used to call and text alot and we eventually started seeing eachother everday an spending weekends together. now we are on break. i know we miss eachother, but he went away for the entire break. im going to be busy with friends and family and extra classes..but i can tell that our relationship is going to die out. he jus gives short calls or random text messages. isn as interested in talking to me even when he is online at the same time as me. i dont call him or text him. i wait for him to do it to me first. he complains i dont care cuz i dont call, but i feel that if hes into me he will do it. is it wrong to make him do all the work? i also think hes cheating because there are tons of girls that he talks to on IM and texting even in front of me and always calls girls from home etc. so his time away from me is spent talking it up with them. he has tons of singles..and dating matches on facebook..since i have his password. hehe. we usually say i love you gnite nomatter where we r or what we r doing. now it has stopped since break and he says oh i gtg to bed but is on aim and facebook. duh somethings wrong. lol. what do i do? do i wait it out and give him a chance? or do i let him go before it gets worse? thanks.Relationship advice. boyfriend trouble.?
I had a problem just like this before and i can relate to this question.
the best thing for you to do right now is to not worry about what he is doing and who he texting and calling etc. the reason for this is;; because you should worry about you and what you have to do. He's just being rude;; it sounds like now;; hes just trying to lead you on. It would be best to just take a break from him for a while just so you don't get stressed out about it. If you take a break from him just for a little bit it will give you time to think if you really want someone who is going to do these things to you. in my opinion you deserve better. It's going to be hard to take a little time off from him but just think about the good things you can gain from it. and you should also talk to him about the situation just so you can get all your feelings out and get out what you need to say to him. After you do all of this i guarantee you will feel so much better
i really hope that i helped you out
good luckRelationship advice. boyfriend trouble.?
It does sound like your relationship is taking a nosedive ... Also, if he's texting other girls around you and has facebook applications where he's looking for singles, it doesn't sound like he's worth your time anyway. You should move on to someone more deserving of your time and attention.
thats too bad. it seems like if he isnt brave enough to step up, you have too. Yes it would be nice if he would show it first, but it sometimes feels nice the other way around for him. Tell him how you feel and remind him of the good times you had together and if it doesnt work, then its time to move on. Maybe he is just hard for him to admit he cares or something.
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