Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Relationship advice-Dealing with controlling partner!?

I am currently in a relationship that might not work out because of the controlling nature of my boyfriend. I love him, but I'm a grown woman. He seems to think that I need constant supervision and nagging. I am almost 6 months pregnant, but that's no reason for him to be so darn controlling. He asks me every day what I ate for every meal, etc. and doesn't want me to go to my brother's house, because he has a big dog that might jump on me, etc. What can I do to make him quit being like this? I do love him, but I don't know if I can live my whole life with him being like this!Relationship advice-Dealing with controlling partner!?
Yikes- How annoying!!!!

You need to say just that. That he is driving you nuts! And you are a smart woman who makes smart decisions, afterall, thats why he is with you, right! Relationship advice-Dealing with controlling partner!?
He's not going to change unless HE realizes he must. His need for control is fear-based; he fears you making your own decisions. Why? Because he fears you won't need him. Tell him you are entirely capable

without his supervision. Do you WANT to live your life with him in this style?
do it back too him. Use that against him. Or write down (secretly) everytime he says something and the date and time. After about a week if you have a nice long list . Show it too him. Let him see on paper how he actually acts.

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