Thursday, July 29, 2010

Relationship advice/dilemna :-(?

im sad, im thinking about splitting up with my boyfriend. but im not happy in the relationship, but at the same time i will obv miss him! how do you come about breaking the news to him because he has no idea this is goin to happen? and wheres the best place to tell him...i know over the phone wouldn't be a good idea.Relationship advice/dilemna :-(?
DON't: say anything about him like ';you never call me back';

DO: do it in a semi private place so you wont make a secne, like a parking lot.

DONT: do it in a private place (like a house) casue you could be talked into just one more hook-up, which would casue confusing

DONT: do it in public place like the cafiteria, because that would be inbarising

DO: do it to his face

DO: do it when you wont see eachother for a bit after, like a friday when you have the weekend.

DONT do it on a tuesday or something (if you go to the same school) casue you'll have to see them the next day

also, if you arent happy in the relationship, break up with him but then start a frendship or something LATER.Relationship advice/dilemna :-(?
you don't want to break his heart. take you guys somewhere nice like to a nice restaurant where it calms, and just tell him how you feel. you have to do it sooner or later. so why now now
if you're not happy you've probably been sending that signal for awhile now and not even known it. He probably won't be surprised. If you think it might be worth saving have a sit down conversation with him. Tell him how you've been feeling, and tell him what you think is missing. If you just think you're two people that aren't meant to be together tell him that, and that you're just not happy with him. Honesty is always the best policy.
Tell him in person and just be honest. Don't expect it to go smoothly. He will not say ';I understand, go in peace'; He will be extremely pissed, hurt, probably both. But if you want to do it just do it. Don't waste anymore of his time...or yours for that matter.
book a vacation for yourself and leave a sweet note for him. come back after at least two months.
tell him in person and maybe you should have a break apart rather than splitting all together

just tell him you need time to think?

or you could try talking to him about how you feel am sure he will understand and might be able to help :)

good luck x
find a reason to take him out for dinner, tell him a number of good things about himself, then say gently that things aren't working for you and you need a break to at least think about where you are heading next.

have a specified period of time worked out, I suggest a month, say you want to see him again after that time and discuss where you both stand then.

if you do this in public there is less likelihood of a scene and if you can arrange to take a taxi to a (woman) friend's place afterwards you don't have to linger.

of course you will miss him, but it's better to be unhappy because you're single than to be unhappy because you're coupled. Believe me.

you may even decide you want to be back with him.but he may think differently. if that worries you severely, then rethink your plans.

good luck.
well i think its about time that you see if he can change but if thats not the way you want to go then you should probably do it somewhere public so nothin happens in case he has anger issues
The only thing i have to tell you is that you should not do it over the phone. I think the best place is like at school or somewhere where there will be a lot of people
well whats the problem? do you feel like its something you two can work out or do you really think its over? if you want to make it work than talk to him. If not than have a heart to heart talk saying that its over. ):
ok... this will be hard for him if he is in-love and/or crazy about you. before you make this decision compare the negatives with the positives. is the problem something you can fix? i love my boyfriend with all of my heart but sometimes i really think seriously about ending things, but then i think about how much i love him and of course that gets me every time. just think it through. I know its probably difficult because you don't want to hurt him but if your not happy, then its best you go with plan A. Good luck. and get back with me if you have any questions. ive been through a lot in my relationship. i Know it all.
If you really think he's going to be upset, be careful how and where you tell him. You should tell him face to face and be honest, so he doesn't think it's his fault, if it isn't. I would tell him either at his home or somewhere close to his home. Just in case he's really upset he doesn't have to go very far to calm down. The worst thing is trying to drive or maneuver your way home, when you're upset and trying to hold back tears. Don't do it at your house, it'll be harder. At least at his house you can still walk away when you need to and go to your safe haven.

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