Saturday, July 31, 2010

Relationship advice......?

I am dating this guy who apparently isn't very popular at our school and we just started going out june 11th so not very many people at school know about it yet...but the people who do think i'm gross? because i'm going out with the guy i love? why is it any of their fricken buisness anyway? well. wat am i supposed to do about it? i guess now that i write it down it's easier to deal with...but not as wat am i supposed to say when people ask me if that's who i'm going out with? yes i am. why are you asking? cause some random girl on myspace just asked me and i was just like yeah...why? and then she'll probably say just wondering. then tell everybody and gossip about me and how i'm going out with a guy that isn't popular? okay? so what? and another thing is some ***** who i thought was my friend asks me one night and says that's gross. and by the way nobody likes you cause you smell and all this ****? wtf? what did i do to her? well i guess i don't really need help. because i understand people just suck. so yeah this helped. so basically, i no longer care. i am just going to love him and ignore the ****. or atleast i'll try. :) any advice? just so i can know it?Relationship advice......?
i think in your process of asking your question, you answered it as well :)

you go girl! :)

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