I am in a very hard spot right now, I have been with my ex finacee for almost 3 years %26amp; we have the most amazing daughter and all together family. He is a great dad, nice to me, amazing sex life. He has a problem with cheating on me over the internet, I have cought him 4 times and have kept trying to make it work for our daughter. I am not bad looking and all over good person, I cook, clean, have sex with him when ever he wants, and love him more then I can express. This last time I found email and text to someone about 3 hours away but he claims they never met. I have made the choice to move back to where my family is and end it. I can't take the way he makes me feel anymore, I asked him why and he said it was because I was mean to him and he thought I was cheating. I have not cheated on him and have been faithful to him for Three years, I lost my virginity to this man for god sakes! I am tired of him blaming me for his cheating, I have tried my best to be the fiancee he wanted and it kills me to move away with our daughter but I have no choice. I plan on coming back to visit but I am a stay at home mom and can not afford to live on my own right now. Ok so now the advice, do we try to work it out and get counciling or do I run for the hills? He has never physically cheated on me but I am scared if I stay he will think this is ok and it will escilate.
PLEASE HELP!Relationship Advice?!?
Um I really don't think counseling will help this, seriously.
If he thinks YOU'RE cheating, well, that's a very obvious sign that HE has the problem. You're way too trusting. I'm very sorry to say it and it's very hard hearing this from someone who doesn't even know you, but I know the telltale signs and oh my he has them like big red flags!!
I'm sorry you'll have to break your heart and your baby's heart, but I really think you should take your own advice and head for the hills!!!
See if you can find someone you trust to watch your baby while you work or go to school.
Think about your future and how you can better it WITHOUT him in it! He's NOT good for you!
YOu sound like such an amazing woman who can get the most amazing man to match you. He is not your match, but a user and a loser.
Good luck hon, and follow your HEAD on this one and not your feelings/heart.Relationship Advice?!?
Run for the hill. He kept cheating you, he made you feel guilty AND doubt yourself. It sounds like he's manipulating you and taking advantage of you. Yes, you have a daughter...but do you REALLY think he'll change? It'd be best to bring her up in a stable home without a (live in) dad than in an environment like that.
Definitely counseling.
He hasn't crossed that threshold of ';physical cheating'; obviously, but judging from your feelings, there are serious issues to be resolved through a counselor.
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